Maritime Security: from Risk Assessment to Asset Protection
At Infinite Risks International, we consider all maritime services that are related to the protection of ports, offshore platforms, vessels, crew, and passengers part of marine or maritime security services.
We help organizations in the maritime industry keep their ships and crew safe against security threats and terrorism, with risk assessments, anti piracy training and asset protection services, including:
- Shipyard security
- Shipping company security
- Cruise ship security
- Offshore security
- Oil and gas security
- Yacht security
- Port security
Also, working as a security liaison between our clients and West African, South American and South-East Asian government units, we serve as a consultancy agency providing operational assistance, risk assessments and training.
In our experience, a well-briefed and/or well-trained crew lowers the risks of criminal opportunities and security issues thanks to their awareness. In the case of an incident, staff who react effectively at sea or in ports can decline the impact of an occurrence. We operate in the Gulf of Guinea, the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden (near Somalia), Red Sea and Southeast Asia.
Infinite Risks marine security solutions include:
- (BMP5) risk assessments and route analysis
- Asset protection
- Crew training (security awareness & anti-piracy security training)
- Offshore risk assessments and security operations
- GPS-tracking
- Deployment of privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) or local military armed security teams
- Bridge advisers to assist the captain and crew while transiting hostile regions during (medical) emergencies and/or crisis situations
- Crisis management & emergency response
If you require further information on any form of global maritime security solutions, please contact us at your earliest convenience. With our knowledge, experience and network of global security professionals, we are sure we can be of service.
Before you ask
Protecting ports, offshore platforms, ships, crew, and passengers with risk assessments and training.
Shipyards, shipping companies, cruise ships, offshore, oil and gas, yachts, and ports.